
My name is Niamh, a therapist based in Austin, Texas. I am passionate about helping people navigate their world in a culture that can often feel overwhelming. I specialize in person-centered music therapy with children, adolescents, parents and adults, to help guide them through life's most complex challenges. I believe deeply in the power of human connection and the impact this has on how we move through the world.

As a young adult, I played music professionally, flowing through life wherever the next gig took me. Having always had it in the back of my mind to pursue a masters in music therapy, I moved from my home in Ireland to London, where I could perform and study at the same time. During this time, I realized patterns in my life that were showing up and creating imbalance, prompting me to seek out a therapist. Going to therapy changed my life.

I am a psychodynamic music therapist with a Masters degree in Music Therapy from the University of Roehampton in London, UK. I have extensive experience working with children and teens who have experienced trauma, symptoms of anxiety and depression and are experiencing challenging transitions in life. I am equally well trained to work with adults, having experience working with adults in clinic and rehabilitation care settings.