Individual therapy for Adolescents

"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." -Victor Hugo

The teen years can be difficult and at times emotionally draining. Along with physical changes, teens face peer pressure and high expectations every day while simultaneously trying to figure out who they are, what they believe and how to take up space in the world. The good news is that it is a special time to a part of their growth and development.

Teens want to feel heard and understood for the humans they truly are. Providing a safe space to talk to someone outside their everyday life can prove to be invaluable to them in their present day but also to their future.

Music plays a pivotal role during the adolescent years, influencing emotional and social development in profound ways. Music provides a safe outlet for teens to express complex emotions like joy, sadness, anger, or confusion. Listening to or creating music helps them process and regulate these emotions, offering comfort, validation, and a sense of control over their feelings.